The technical team of Solaron Construct has participated in the last 28 years in numerous industrial works with complete technical solutions, with special materials, with high-performance machines and specialized technical assistance, or as a
...The technical team of Solaron Construct has participated in the last 28 years in numerous industrial works with complete technical solutions, with special materials, with high-performance machines and specialized technical assistance, or as a
...Casa Socială a Constructorilor is the only equal organization for social protection of the construction sector and production of construction materials in Eastern Europe, established on the basis of Law no. 215/1997.
It is a solid, reliable
Founded in January 1999, AVITECH is today one of the most important low current contractors and system integrators in the fields of Security, Safety, Parking, Automation, IT&Communications, in Romania and the Balkan region.
...With over 20 years of experience, Arcadia specializes in structural design, architecture and project management services. Our experience and exceptional project track record recommend Arcadia as a company capable of proposing innovative,
...Loop Operations is a consulting firm in the management of innovation and financing, with more than 10 years experience on the market that attracted around 100 million EUROs in irredeemable funds, with a success rate of over 85% and an expenses
...București, sector 1, Str. Alexandrina nr. 20-22, bl. C4, et. 2, ap. 3, cam. 7
+40 722 457 677