Starting April 10, 2024, the Install Efficiency event, organized by Uniprest Installation, will take place in the Paris room of the Novotel hotel.
This event will feature speakers and experts who will share insights and strategies to
...Starting April 10, 2024, the Install Efficiency event, organized by Uniprest Installation, will take place in the Paris room of the Novotel hotel.
This event will feature speakers and experts who will share insights and strategies to
...Cluster TEC a participat la conferința ProAfaceri Verzi, a doua ediție, care a avut loc în data de 08 septembrie 2022, în cadrul evenimentului Forumul Orașelor Verzi (FOV) organizat de către Primăria Brașov, organizată de către Asociația
...“To a worryingly small extent.The industry is conservative and rarely embraces change.”
...Pornind de la numele clusterului, in care TEC este un acronim pentru sintagma "Technology Enabled Constructions", organizatia are ca misiune centrala cresterea competitivitatii si cotei de piata a
...București, sector 1, Str. Alexandrina nr. 20-22, bl. C4, et. 2, ap. 3, cam. 7
dummy+4 0762.248.170