Within TEC cluster, your organization will become part of a network generated around common concerns for increasing competitiveness through innovation, by adopting and developing advanced technologies, digitalization and good administration and also through integration efforts in the value chain of constructions industry.
The cluster facilitates communication, collaboration and exchange of good practices between its members in order to generate new business models or spin-offs, co-generating products or new technologies, identification of new growth opportunities, share of resources through and for common projects, boosting various processes of productive means by efficiently making use of irredeemable financing or other types of financing.
Collaborative Environment

- Members are actively involved in a constant dialogue around common interest themes, meetings and also through thematic working groups that allow involving inclusively in defining some public policies.
- The access to members’ network facilitates and accelerates identifying trustworthy partners for common projects, sharing resources, technology and know-how transfers, co-creating innovative products and services, market collaborative approaches in order to increase the share in various sectors or to increase sustainability when entering a new market
- Access in real time to current news and information regarding financing, business, internationalization opportunities and participation in innovative projects through the internal communication channels belonging to the cluster.
- Access to know-how, management and innovation instruments available within the cluster for every member
Access to services

- Specific information depending on members’ particular interests;
- Match-making events with potential partners from the country or various other states, with research teams, public authorities;
- Internal workshops and trainings, created based on members’ needs
- Internationalization through networking, economic missions and direct contracts
- Counseling for technological transfer
- Base counseling to attract European financing
- Priority in accessing free services offered through financed projects of the cluster or its members
- Advertising through cluster’s communication channels
- Priority to cluster’s events either as speaker or part of the aduience
Indirect Benefits
- Access to facilities, know-how and/or technologies developed by the cluster’s members
- Representation of common interests through advocacy actions in order to improve the domain’s public policies