Construct FEST is a reference event for the construction market in Romania. For 3 editions, the event brought together the largest companies on the market, students and potential students, future engineers on the market.
...Construct FEST is a reference event for the construction market in Romania. For 3 editions, the event brought together the largest companies on the market, students and potential students, future engineers on the market.
...General Federation of Trade Unions FAMILIA, representative trade union federation for constructions and construction materials industry became the newest member of TEC and will join cluster’s initiatives to aid needs regarding digitalization and
...BIM represents collaborative labor method within which professional teams provide information for the asset that is developing or exploited, shared in the form of informational containers that are federated in the cloud; a process as well as the
...Pe 25 februarie 2025, Consiliul Județean Argeș găzduiește evenimentul „Investiții Sustenabile, Inovative, Digitale și Eficiente”,
In the coming period, a series of Romanian companies in the construction and engineering sectors, including
#ClusterTEC, will participate in an important economic mission in Singapore in search of collaboration and innovation
București, sector 1, Str. Alexandrina nr. 20-22, bl. C4, et. 2, ap. 3, cam. 7
+40 722 457 677